Below is a list of partner organisations and associates we have linked with or worked with on previous projects. Read their synopses and follow the links to their websites.

MoCADA uses the visual arts as a point of departure for exploring new artistic production across a variety of disciplines. Through exhibitions and programming, MoCADA invites dialogue on pressing social and political issues facing the African Diaspora and fosters a dynamic space for the creation and continuous evolution of culture.

Creative Nassau is an organisation dedicated to showcasing the unique Bahamian culture to the world whilst actively developing a Creative Tourism model. They aim to ensure that the art, culture, and heritage of The Bahamas becomes as much as a draw to visitors as the sun, sand, and sea. To compound this Creative Nassau have been instrumental in obtaining UNESCO Creative Cities Network status for Nassau, establishing the capital city as a Creative City of Crafts and Folk Arts.

As the world’s leading museum of art and design, the V&A enriches people’s lives by promoting the practice of design and increasing knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the designed world.

Founded in 1981, the Black Cultural Archives’ mission is to collect, preserve and celebrate the heritage and history of Black people in Britain. The UK’s first dedicated Black heritage centre was opened in Brixton, London in July 2014.  This new location has enabled the BCA  to provide greater access to their archive collection, dedicated learning spaces and an exciting program of exhibitions and events that explore  British history from a unique perspective. The work of the BCA recognises the importance of the untold stories of people of  African and Caribbean heritage in Britain by providing a platform which encourages inquiry and dialogue. The historical accounts of people are at the heart of everything they do.

The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge has one of the most important collections of its kind in the UK. Originally founded in 1884, it has been in its present location on Downing Street since 1913… However, MAA is not a dusty museum about the ancient past. It is also about contemporary life all over the world and works with modern-day indigenous communities in all kinds of ways. It is particularly known for its innovative exhibitions that draw contemporary artists into dialogue with the historic collections.

The Black Watch Castle and Museum in Perth is home to Scotland’s premier Highland Regiment. Balhousie Castle houses The Black Watch Regimental Museum at the heart of the Regimental area in Perth. The Castle and the Museum contain excellent visitor facilities, including the Copper Beech Café and the Museum Shop, making it one of the top visitor attractions in Perthshire.

The Scottish Tartans Authority was formed in 1996 by Scotland’s leading weavers and tartan retailers and enjoys a unique mix of governors from both the private and commercial sectors. They are partnered with the International Association of Tartan Studies (IATA) in the USA and the Tartan Educational and Cultural Association (TECA). The major objective of the STA is to promote a deeper knowledge of Scottish Tartans, their origins, manufacture, use, history, and development. They enable and encourage study and research on the subject.