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'Ethnicities and 'Racial' Rearticulations'
Susan Kaiser
Ethnicities and 'Racial' Rearticulations, Fashion and Cultural Studies, pp. 140-177, 2012. London: Bloomsbury.
Beauty to Set the World Right: The Politics of Black Aesthetics
Paul C. Taylor
Black is Beautiful, A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics, pp.77 - 103. Sussex: Wiley Blackwell 2016
Eating the Other: Desire and Resistance
bell hooks
Black Looks: Race and Representation, pp. 21–39. Boston: South End Press, 1992
At the Ideological Cross Roads: Interrogating (Jamaican) Masculinities in Contemporary Urban Culture through Historical Discourse
Agostinho M.N. Pinnock
Academic Conference paper, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, March 2007