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Controlling Beauty Ideals: Caribbean Women, Thick Bodies, and White Supremacist Discourse
Kamille Gentles-Peart
Women's Studies Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 1/2, Beauty (Spring/Summer 2018): pp. 199-214
This Time It’s Personal
Carol Tulloch
Professorial Platform, University Of The Arts London, 17 March 2016
The Pleasures of Resistance: Enslaved Women and Body Politics in the Plantation South, 1830-1861
Stephanie M. H. Camp
The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 68, No. 3 (Aug 2002): pp 533-572
The Nazareth Scotch: Dance Uniform as Admonitory Infrapolitics for an Eikonic Zion City in early Union Natal
Robert Papini
Southern African Humanities Vol. 14 (Dec 2002): pp 79-106
Stylin’: The Great Masculine Enunciation and the (Re)Fashioning of African Diasporic Identities
Christine Checinska
Critical Arts, Vol 31, No 3, (15 Dec 2017) pp 53-71
Style - Fashion - Dress: From Black to Post-Black
Carol Tulloch
Fashion Theory, Vol14, No3, (21 Apr 2015) pp 273-303
Saga Bwoys, Rude Bwoys, and Saggers: Rebellious Black Masculinities
Michael McMillan
Critical Arts, Vol 31, No3, (15 Dec 2017) pp 72-89
Of What Value is Feminism to Black Men?
Kopano Ratele
Communicatio, Vol 39, No2, (28 Jun 2013): pp256-270
Mirror Mirror on the Wall/Who is the Fairest of Them All?
Rupert Lewis
Caribbean Quarterly, Vol 57, No3-4, (03 Feb 2016): pp.33 – 48
Dilemmas in African Diaspora Fashion
Van Dyk Lewis
Fashion Theory, Vol 7, Issue 2, (27 Apr 2015): pp. 163 – 190